Monthly newsletter for March 2020
Presidents Message
Welcome to St. Patty's Day month!
We just had an amazing WIC Week! We had a great turn out for all our events; Habitat
women's build, Food for Lane County, Bags of Love and the Claim 52 social. Thanks to
everyone who was involved!
This month we are touring Civic Stadium! I want to thank Cassandra for helping get
this together. After the tour our meeting will be at Turtles Restaurant.
Next week we will need to vote on our Chapter Award Nominations! So be thinking
about who you want to nominate. This includes "Future Leader", "Member of the
Year", and "Lifetime Achievement".
Coming up in April is the Regional Spring Forum in Boise ID Thursday April 23rd to
25th! Please talk to me if your interested in going! I would like to see a few from our
chapter attend! -Kay Ewalt
Chapter News
Our February meeting was a fun night of BUNCO, food and friends. It’s easy to play and lots of fun. Robin Langkamp, Kim McBride and Nancy Ograin won prizes! We all had a great time! Also at our meeting Sherry White initiated our newest member Rachel Vettrus
with Balanced Electric. She is six months into her four year electrical apprenticeship. Rachel previously was in customer service since getting her BA degree after college. She wanted more opportunity and researched the trades as she likes home improvement projects and working with her hands. Rachel said she never thought of herself as loving electricity when she decided to be an electrician. She said it is challenging, but in in a good way. She is excited to be a part of our organization and is thankful to have support from women.
We welcome Rachel into our chapter.
Rachel was featured in a two‐part series on “My Future My Work”. Part 1 describes how Terry Bierwirth, My Future My Work President, met Rachel while she was on a job site working as an electrical apprentice. In Part 2, Rachel explains how she chose to change her career later in life and the steps she has taken to enter the electrical field. My Future My Work is an educational organization dedicated to promoting career pathways in the skilled trades. They are a connector and resource provider. Check out Rachel’s path to becoming an electrician in the links above. The article also features Karen Jones, Double Eagle Design and Construction, along with Kim McBride and Michelle Ericson with Balanced Electric.
Block Kids was a big success! Sixty kids participated and our grand prize winner was Jesse, a 2nd grader from Cottage Grove Christian School. Jesse built a construction site that had an unsafe building that needed to be torn down. He had a bulldozer, excavator, and crane with a wrecking ball on site to take down the building. The project had moving parts that could take down the building. The first place winner for 3rd‐4th grade was Nora from Edgewood Elementary. Nora built a portable windmill. The windmill had three sections and was unique because the blades were horizontal, not vertical. It could be moved to small towns or cites to provide power where needed. The first place winner for 5th‐6th grade was Sofie from Creslane Elementary. Sofie built a water treatment plant with an emergency shower. She was very knowledgeable about the steps of the treatment process. Thank you t all our volunteers and judges for helping out along with River Road Parks & Recreation for providing the facility and prizes and Eugene Science Center who also donated prizes and did the registration.
WIC Week
WIC week is designed to increase the visibility of women working in the construction industry, share our passion and encourage others to join the construction industry and NAWIC. The Eugene Oregon Chapter had a busy week celebrating WIC Week. Chapter members helped out at the Women’s Build, Food for Lane County and Bags of Love. There was also a meet & greet social get together at Claim 52 Kitchen for members and guests.
Volunteers from NAWIC, Habitat for Humanity of Junction City/Harrisburg/Monroe and Lowe’s Heroes (Lowe’s employees) joined forces on Sunday, March 1 for the Lowe’s Women Build. Several members from our chapter participated in the build along with NAWIC guests; Kim McBride, Karen Jones, Jeanne Staton, Cassandra Dare, Michelle Ericson, and Terry Bierwirth. The crew installed Hardie plank siding on the exterior of the house in
Food for Lane County - Monday , March 2nd, five NAWIC members packed food for Food for Lane County . Kay Ewalt, Cory Letts, Deanna Lashway, Jeanne Staton and Ellie Cooper worked with about 20 others to help separate and label various foods as well as bagged tea for those needing in Lane County
. Ellie said it was fun to work with our members as well as rewarding to help others of our community.
Bags of Love - Wednesday, March 4th NAWIC ladies worked at Bag of Love putting together bags for children in crisis. Members who participated were Cassandra Dare, Robin Langkamp, Jeanne Staton, Deanna Lashway, Wendy Hughes, Kay Ewalt, Myranda Kelly, and Kim McBride.
Meet & Greet Social ‐ Friday, March 6th ten NAWIC ladies and eight guests met at Claim 52 Kitchen after work for a get together to socialize and introduce our guests to NAWIC