Our meeting next week, Wednesday, Oct 13th, will be at the WW NDT Services & Welding School, 1567 Main Street, Springfield. Cory will give us a tour and explain their welding certification programs. We’ll bring in dinner and have our meeting after.
Join us as we start our new NAWIC year! Please RSVP on our website: https://www.nawiceugene.com/events
Thank you to all who have renewed their membership for this year…we appreciate you so much! For those who haven’t had a chance to get those due in, you can still renew, we’d love to have you stay a part of our NAWIC #77 chapter!
*Those of you who were a new members this year…your dues will be prorated to bring your renewals in line with the NAWIC year 10/1-9/30. Also, if you have 2 or more members with the same company, the 2nd & 3rd members get ½ off their Eugene Chapter Dues!! Just deduct it from your payment when paying by check.
Here is the link to renew…https://www.nawic.org/assnfe/renewme.asp
We are still trying to find a venue for our monthly meetings, so if you can think of somewhere that has the room and we can get dinner, please let Sherry Barrett or Kay Ewalt know.
Welcome to Monique Macias our newest Student member! She is an apprentice with Balanced Electric and many of you have met Monique as she helped at the golf tournament the last couple years and on the Women’s Build house in Harrisburg.
We are thrilled to have you join our group!
We'd like to thank everyone who Golfed, Sponsored and Worked to make the 2021 Construction Industry Golf Tournament event a success!
It was a beautiful day for golf and everyone had a great time! A HUGE Thank You to our sponsors! Farwest Steel Corp., Central Reprographics, JT Engineering, Balanced Electric, United Rentals, Tunnel Radio, Chambers Construction, Knife River, Twin Rivers Plumbing, New Way Electric, Edward Jones (Scott Stewart), FEI Testing, Jones & Roth, Edge Construction Supply, Farwest Steel Reinforcing!!! Thanks to our members who helped and worked in the lovely sunshine, And a big thank you to Mucho Gusto for a wonderful lunch! And lastly, to Diamond Woods Golf Course for being a partner in this highly successful fundraiser!